The best option for fighting air pollution seeping into homes and offices is to install air conditioners that can actually spot the quality of the air. This way, if there is a problem, you will be notified about it.


How to use the Aiwa Air Conditioner to improve air quality


If you’re looking for an air conditioner that can help improve your home’s air quality, then you should consider investing in an Aiwa AC unit. The Aiwa AC units now come with a new feature called Air Quality Monitor which allows users to track the quality of the air they’re breathing. By monitoring the air quality, users can identify areas of the home where there is poorer air quality and take action to address those issues.


The Air Quality Monitor works by collecting data on three key factors: pollen, CO2, and humidity. These three factors are measured and recorded every five minutes, so you can always see how your indoor environment is changing over time. The Air Quality Monitor also provides a detailed report that shows you how well your home is performing in terms of air quality. This information can help you make informed decisions about what changes to make to improve your home’s air quality.


If you’re interested in using the Air Quality Monitor feature on your Aiwa AC unit, be sure to read the user manual carefully before starting. The installation process is relatively simple, but it does require some basic plumbing knowledge. Once installation is complete, just set up the Air Quality Monitor and wait for the data to start streaming in!




The Aiwa air conditioner has been specifically designed with this feature, allowing homeowners to identify areas in their homes where they need to adjust the settings on their units in order to improve the quality of the air. The new monitoring system will allow homeowners to see not only how much CO2 is being released, but also which pollutants are being emitted. By identifying these pollutants, homeowners can make informed decisions about how best to improve the quality of their indoor environment.